Useful Information
Below you can see how we operate and what service we offer. As always we are happy to discuss your requirements in person so please get in touch to discuss your booking. We are happy to answer any questions you may have.

Just some of our UK Schools, Colleges and Organisations we work with

Show photography for the stage (Schools, Dance Schools, Colleges etc)
All photos taken of your show are uploaded on our website in a secure private album, a password is provided and can be distributed via the programme of the production and/or via email. We will provide you with a password information mail-out for your convenience. The School/College/Organisation will receive 30 photos free of charge to use for social media, websites, advertising etc. You can select your favourites by clicking on the star and adding each photo to your favourites album.
As highlighted in the Performance Photography section of the site we offer live stage photography as well as offering our white screen mobile studio set up. There is no extra cost for this service, please let us know if you are interested in having this for your next production and we can discuss the requirements for the mobile studio (timings and space required)
Photos remain online for 3 years, discounts (when applicable) will apply up to the expiration date on the photo order information card/email
We prefer to photograph your dress/tech rehearsal (not applicable to festivals - see festival info below), but photographing during the performance is fine too. A central location either right at the front or right at the back is preferable.
We film your show with no filming fee. There are a couple of options to consider when it comes to filming your show/production.
We offer DVD packages based on a minimum order, you are charged a bulk price per DVD, this price depends on how many you order. The more you buy the cheaper each unit will be. Orders over 50 units will include online streaming as standard, a very popular and must have option in this day and age!
It is the responsibility of the School/College to take orders for DVDs in advance or post show, final order numbers can be provided at your convenience, we begin editing soon after filming but final production won't begin until we receive your order from.
We also a DIGITAL ONLY DOWNLOAD (minimum 100 in the cast). This is based on your cast size (cast list must be provided) Each digital copy will cost £10 per cast member. We deduct 10% from the final price to account for siblings and family members.
E.g. If you have 150 in the cast this will cost £1,500 we take off 10% to account for siblings to give a final total of £1,350. The total would be invoiced to the school for payment in full after the show has been filmed. We understand that Schools/Colleges aren't usually able to fund these without parents/students buying the show video, see our recommended solution below.
Recommended charging option: We recommend adding a small amount per ticket price to cover the cost of the digital download. You can then include a digital download link to all who purchase a ticket. Your costs would then be covered and depending on audience sizes you would make a little extra profit on top.
We are happy to discuss this option in more detail if you have any questions.

Dance & Stage Festivals - Filming & Photography
We are here to provide a full media service for your festival. Hudson Pictures photograph festivals all over the UK, we also cover the Regional & National Finals for All England Dance biannually.
Photography - Much like show photography for Schools/Colleges, photos from each festival are loaded privately online instantly and are available to view/purchase same day (This does depend on our internet connection at each venue).
Photos are available online for 3 years and discount codes are also available for all festivals. Cards and login information is provided on our photo desk which is set up at each festival. We don't sell on site as we have found that the queues to view photos at the desk become quite long, this is why we have photos available to view/purchase online straight away. We show a preview of photos taken at the festival on a large screen situated in a specified location at the venue, usually the foyer.
Filming - We also film your festival in full, there is no pre-order required, all dances are filmed and video orders can be placed online (information will be provided at the photo desk). We offer videos at low prices as we understand that some entrants perform multiple times. Videos are all delivered digitally in HD.
To discuss your festival needs please get in touch today!